How to Change the Root Password in a GitLab on Docker

Originally published at: How to Change the Root Password in a GitLab on Docker - Computer How To

Are you setting up GitLab CE on Docker and need to change the root password? Updating your root password is crucial for maintaining the security of your GitLab instance. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of changing the root password in a new GitLab installation on Docker using the gitlab-rake “gitlab:password:reset” command.…

Hey there,
You are absolutely correct, I totally agree with your point If you’re setting up GitLab CE on Docker and need to change the root password, you can follow a straightforward process using the gitlab-rake command. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access the Docker Container:
    Use the following command to access the GitLab Docker container:

    docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
  2. Reset Root Password:
    Inside the container, run the command:

    gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
  3. Set New Password:
    You’ll be prompted to enter a new password for the root user. Follow the instructions and set a strong password.

  4. Restart GitLab (if needed):
    It’s advisable to restart GitLab to ensure the changes take effect:

    docker restart <container_name>
  5. Test New Password:
    Verify that you can log in to GitLab using the new root password.

This process ensures the security of your GitLab instance by updating the root password effectively.

Yes, if you’re setting up GitLab CE on Docker and need to change the root password, it’s essential for ensuring the security of your GitLab instance.